About Ron Gardner

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My Mission

If you have found yourself feeling stuck, pursuing counseling can restore balance and bring about lasting change. I take the time to get to know a client's individual needs and work to form a collaborative partnership to gain insight and achieve goals. Most clients find my approach to be strong on empathy and helpful in identifying underlying causes for current struggles. I work well with clients who are looking to process difficult feelings and gain perspective on themselves.I have worked with and enjoy client's of all ages. Right now, I am accepting adolescent or adult clients looking for individual counseling.I have several years of experience with a wide spectrum of issues including, anxiety, depression, life changes, trauma issues, relationship issues, parenting difficulties, and PTSD. 

My Values


As a licensed counselor, it is my responsibility to and duty to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality in all interactions with clients. Upholding this standard is not just a professional obligation for me; it is a core value that my ethical practice is built upon. As your counselor, I am dedicated to creating a safe space where you feel comfortable and secure in openly sharing with me with the assurance that your privacy will always be protected.


A person-centered focus is always my goal. As a counselor who has practiced, received continued education, and had exposure to new counseling theories and techniques, it is my goal to create an individualized plan to best meet your needs. Whether it is using EMDR to address trauma or CBT to challenge cognitive distortions. We will work collaboratively to ensure that the individual focus of our sessions is one that suits your needs.


I pursue counseling as a profession with compassion at the heart of my practice. I believe in approaching each client with empathy, respect, understanding, and a genuine desire to provide help. I understand therapy is often sought in challenging situations that require careful commitment to validation, understanding, and support. It’s my commitment to work alongside clients on their path towards healing and fostering personal growth. I may challenge you, but I pledge to always hear you, validate your experience, and walk with you on your path towards your best self. 


In my practice, there are few principles as important to me as the fundamental value of acceptance. Providing culturally competent and humble care, in a space where individuals feel valued for who they are in their present state. It’s my aim to cultivate a space of inclusivity that is free of judgement; a place where my clients can share their experiences openly. I provide compassion, understanding, and empathy in hopes of eliciting positive change and growth in my clients' lives.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Please call, text, or email to schedule your first appointment. New clients can usually be seen within seven days.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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